
Apprenticeship and dual studies

Apprenticeship, dual studies or internship: With us, your future holds many opportunities.

Ausbildung und duales Studium bei TOX Pressotechnik in Weingarten

Do what you want. But do it at TOX®.

Where does the future start? Ideally, where you can do anything. From mechanic to social media manager, from apprenticeship to course of studies. Whatever you choose, at TOX®, you can keep exploring: You will get to know all areas here, and will continue to grow after your training. We will support you with the further education of your choice, and with foreign placements in 18 countries around the world.Start your future now: with your application to TOX®.

Getting started with tailwind: our apprenticeships

Vocational training is often the first “real” job. So, it is even more important that this job is enjoyable and you feel comfortable. That's why TOX® has no less than a whole apprenticeship team looking after our apprentices. Even after you have decided on one of six apprenticeships, you will always get to know all areas of the company – and the employees that are part of it. This is probably the reason that most of our apprentices feel so comfortable with us that they stay for many years after their training has completed. After all, everyone belongs to our international TOX® family from the very beginning. Would you like to take a look without commitment? Sure: You are warmly invited to gain insights during an internship.


Electronics Engineer for Operations Technology (f/m/d)

Industrial Mechanic (f/m/d)

Cutting Machine Operator (m/f/d)

Qualified IT Specialist for System Integration (f/m/d)

Warehouse Logistics Specialist (f/m/d)

Industrial Clerk (f/m/d)

Qualified IT Specialist for Application Development (f/m/d)

Dual studies

Study or earn money? After your general qualification for university entrance, you can do both at TOX®. You will study at the DHBW Ravensburg (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University) and will work in our business in blocks. This way, dry theory turns into exciting practice, and a good topic for your final thesis will surely also be found. You can study the following three specializations at TOX® with the dual system.

Dual degree programs

Mechanical Engineering

DHBW Studies Mechanical Engineering: Construction and Development (B.Eng.) (f/m/d)

Electrical Engineering

DHBW Studies Electrical Engineering: Automation (B.Eng.) (f/m/d)

Business Informatics

DHBW Studies Business Informatics: Business Engineering (B.Sc.) (f/m/d)

From coffee to career advice: our training supervisors

TOX® has a whole apprenticeship team looking after our apprentices. It will support you from start to finish and will help you to reach your goals. Do you have questions? You best address them to:

  • Michael Müller, Technical Training Supervisor

  • Simon Küble, Technical Training Supervisor

  • Martin Gindele, Electronics Engineer Training Supervisor

  • Vanessa Reck, Commercial Training Supervisor

  • Reinhold Weber and Markus Ege, IT Specialist Training Supervisor

  • Aytac Özdemir, Warehouse Logistics Specialist Training Supervisor

  • Sascha Sommer, Mechanical Engineer DHBW Supervisor

  • Martin Geromiller, Electrical Engineering DHBW Supervisor

From lunch to foreign placements: all your benefits at TOX® at a glance

Traveling allowance

You are not from Weingarten? We will help you with your daily commute.

Foreign placement at a subsidiary

Take advantage of the benefits of a family business, which operates all over the world – e.g., with an internship in the USA or at another TOX® subsidiary across the world.

TOX® Apprentice Academy

Grow further at all times and learn what you need to know at the TOX® Academy or with an individual further education program.

The 35-hour week for apprentices

To give you a little more time for your training, you will only work for 35 hours per week in our company.

Company pension scheme allowance

To help you keeping your options open for the future, we will start contributing to your pension scheme now.

Well equipped workplaces

Naturally, the latest IT, high-tech tools, office furniture which takes care of your back are all part of the job equipment.

Events for apprentices

You will not only get to know your new job, but also many nice colleagues: at our legendary lodge and many exciting events.

Canteen discounts

The excellent kitchen in the canteen lifts your spirits and is particularly good value for money for apprentices.

All vacancies at a glance

to vacancies

Trainees in the apprentice workshop

Apprentice industrial mechanic at the 3D printer in the training workshop

Working with the file

Trainee at the conventional milling machine

Trainees write their digital report portfolio

Trainee at the pillar drilling machine

Apprentice works in electrical assembly

Apprentices deal with CNC technology

You want to work at TOX® one day? Why don't you try it out?


What suits you and what doesn't? Pondering is no good, but trying it out is: During a pupil internship, you can take a look at one or more professions at TOX® and get stuck in. You will not only get to know our business in this way, but also our friendly colleagues, and hopefully, you will return to us after finishing school.

Curious? Then just send us your application by email to bewerbung@tox-de.com .

Please let us know:

  •  when and how long you would like to do the internship for

  • what area you are interested in

  • your information for making contact

Our team is waiting: for you.

Complete form
  • Click on the TOX® Job you would like to apply for.

  • Enter your personal data (address and phone number), so that we can contact you.

  • You can write a few words about yourself in the bottom part of the form. For example, why you are interested in the job at TOX®.

Upload and send application documents

Now click on the “Add files” button and upload the following documents:

  • your resume

  • your last report card

  • certificates of previous internships (optional)

Ready? Then send your application to us in the quickest way by clicking on the “Send application” button.

Received confirmation?

Shortly after receiving your application, we will send a confirmation of receipt to your email address.

Look forward to our conversation

We will get back to you as quickly as possible. If everything looks good, we will soon invite you to a personal meeting. Do you have any questions about your application? Call us at: +49 751 5007-0

FAQs for pupils

Is TOX® accessible by public transport?
What needs to be included in my application?
Where is the vocational training college?
What are the working hours?
What do you earn during the apprenticeship/dial studies?
Where can I personally obtain information about the company and the operation?
Is it possible to book a tour of the company? Can I visit the business with my school class?
Vacation entitlement during training?
I applied at TOX®, when will I receive a reply?
Any questions?


Below you will find all our apprenticeships:

Ausbildung zum Zerspanungsmechaniker (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany
Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden Württemberg | Germany
Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden Württemberg | Germany
Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany
Ausbildung für Industriekaufleute (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany
Ausbildung zum Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany
Ausbildung zum Industriemechaniker (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany

Study programs

Below you will find all our DHBW study programs:

DHBW Studium Elektrotechnik: Automation (B.Eng.) (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany
DHBW Studium Wirtschaftsinformatik: Business Engineering (B.Sc.) (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany
DHBW Studium Maschinenbau: Konstruktion und Entwicklung (B.Eng.) (m/w/d)
Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg | Germany